Wednesday, October 12, 2011

2011 Champion Declared!

October 12, 2011 was a tense day as five colleagues brought their best to be judged for their weight and girth. Zdenka and Denise deliberated intensely, double checking results and conferring on points of contention. In the end, the winner was clear cut. Alida's Wallnmeyer stood tall (well, at least wider) than the rest with a score of 51.5 easily quashing Dan's 35.5, Tom's 34, Laurel's 28 and Scott's 21.1.

The highlight was the celebration food provided by Laurel and Cheryl. Zdenka declared Laurel's pumpkin soup, the "best I've ever had and I've had a lot of soup! Cheryl's "Intense Pumpkin Explosion" muffins were a perfect complement to Dan's President's Choice coffee.

Congratulations to all the participants. Thank you to our judges and foodies. We hope you had some fun today and along the way.

See you next year.